English page

This association is a special institution for issuing the research journal “Understanding Special Needs”.

-We do not have a membership for this association.
- “Understanding Special Needs” is an open journal for publishing research theses relating to understanding special needs for people with disabilities.
- “Understanding Special Needs” is published on the association website.
  We do not publish it in print medium.
- We are always accepting the thesis for “Understanding Special Needs”. Editorial Committee is held when the thesis is submitted.
  Publication is decided by peer reviews from 2 scholars.

We are looking forward to theses by researchers, graduate students, and people who are involved in childcare, education, and medical field. We hope that it will be an assistance for the furthre development of Understanding Special Needs for people with disabilities. Thank you for your cooperation.

< On Submitting Your Thesis >

We are always accepting theses.
We charge submission fee.
Also, if your thesis is selected and published on the journal, publication fee is charged.

If you wish to submit your thesis, follow the submissiono rule strictly.
Please verify the submission rule for submission fee and publcation fee.

Please submit the thesis via e-mail to jsrikai@yahoo.co.jp with the title “Thesis submission” and attach the thesis. In addition, please indicate which screening category (original thesis, material, and practice report) you wish to submit your thesis.

< Thesis Requirements>

1.We are always accepting theses. The accepted papers will be published at any time on our website. We do not publish it in print
2.The subject of this journal is research, practical reports, and materials related to understanding special needs for people with
  disabilities. For example, basic research to clarify the necessity of understanding special needs for people with disabilities (research
  such as environment surrounding people with disabilities, needs of people with disabilities, citizens’ awareness, content analysis of
  books, etc.), implementation status of activities related to understanding special needs for people with disabilities, research that
  examines the content, practice of education and guidance, and research effects of education, etc.
  ※The scope of understanding special needs for people with disabilities does not include the following studies.
  Example 1) Research on disability acceptance and self-understanding of the concerned parties
  Example 2) Research on special needs education for the concerned parties
3.There is no particular rule regarding the length of the treatise. However, whether or not the content of the treatise is shown in just
  proportion is, of course, subject to examination.
4.Abstract in English must follow the reference. Abstract must be about 2,000 characters.
5.The manuscript must be prepared according to the following procedure.
  A)Thesis must be written on A4 size paper written in flat break with 40 characters x 40 characters x 15 pages. Font size must be
    10.5 for main text. Font must be century.
  B)The composition of the manuscript must be as follows.
   a)The first sheet will be the paper review request form. The format of the dissertation review request is free, but the following
     matters must be stated: the title of thesis, affiliation (official name, Only the university name is required for university faculty
     members. The graduate student must clearly state that he/she is a student along with the university name), author’s name,
     and joint name dissertation. Indicate the contact person, their contact information (email and telephone number), and the
     type of paper (original paper, material, practice report, etc.) that you wish to review.
   b)The title is written on the second sheet. Font size must be 14 for titled, and 10.5 for the subtitle.
   c)The main text is written on the Third sheet. For the index for the hierarchical level such as introduction, use roman numerals
     (Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ, …). If there is a hierarchical level in the main text use Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, …). Also, please do not number
     the heading "Literature". Also, please do not use automatic paragraph numbering (function where numbers are automatically
     generated when you change line).
  C)Figure, table, and picture must be at the end of the main text (Do not insert in the text. Do not have a separate file. The layout
    will be collapsed when it is inserted). However, if it is difficult to attach it to the text manuscript (horizontal drawing, etc.), it
    may be attached to a separate sheet. And use the comment function to indicate the place where you want to insert it in the
    Please understand that we may not be able to do so due to the page layout. Also, do not put the table and figure composed in
    a separate file as “copy as a figure” (it cannot be edited with Microsoft word).
  D)Indicate the reference list at the end of the thesis. References are listed in alphabetical order, and no numbers or bullets are
    added to the beginning of the reference. Also, when one document extends over two lines, indent the second and subsequent
    lines by one character.
    ◇For thesis
    【In the order of appearance】
    -For journals: Author, Issued year, Title, Journal name, Volume, Issue, Page
    -For books: Author, Published year, Title, Publisher (If it is published abroad, indicated the location)
    -For books written by multiple authors: Author, Published year, Title, Editor, Author, Publisher
    (If it is published abroad, indicate the location), Page
    【Author’s name】
    For all authors, write the last name first, and the first name next. Also, the last name of the author must be written in capital
    and the initial of the first name with a period. Insert a space after the period. Also, a comma must be inserted between each
    author's name and & must be inserted between the last 2 authors.
    ◇For materials on websites
    (In the order of appearance)
    -For materials on websites: Author, Year, Title, <URL>, (the date it was accessed)
  E) The references in the main text must be indicated as the following.
    -The first letter of the author's last name must be in capital.
    -If there are 2 authors, the last name of both of the authors must be written each time they are cited. -If there are 2 authors
     and they are cited and the reference is indicated in parenthesis in the main text, "&" must be inserted between the authors'
    -If there are more than 3 authors but less than 5 authors, all authors last names must be indicated when they are first cited.
     When doing so, "&" must be inserted between the last 2 authors and the "," must be inserted between the rest of the authors
    -When they are cited the second time and after, indicate the last name of the first author and omitted the rest with "et al."
    -If there are 6 authors or more, the last name of the first author is written when they are first cited and the rest of the authors
     names are omitted with "et al.".
    -Avoid citing material on the web. If you must cite a website, make a copy, keep it, and record the date it
     was viewed since it may be deleted. Submit the copy if the editing committee request you to submit the copy
6.When a Japanese person posts, attach a Japanese translation of the text in a separate file.
7.Submit the thesis via email. Send Word file and PDF. If it cannot be sent via email due to size restriction, please contact us.
8.Submit address (Email): jsrikai [at] yahoo.co.jp
9.Submission fee and Publication fee
  A)Please make a payment for submission fee when submitting the thesis. Submission fee: 25US$ (3,000JPY). Please transfer the
    fund to bank account before submitting the thesis, and submit a copy of the payment slip when submitting the thesis. Please
    contact us (jsrikai [at] yahoo.co.jp) for the transfer destination of the submitting fee.
  B)Please make a payment of publication fee after the thesis was published. Publication fee: 85US$ (10,000JPY). Please transfer
    the fund to bank account within 2 weeks from the decision to publish. Please contact us (jsrikai [at] yahoo.co.jp) for the transfer
    destination of the publication fee.